Monday, November 28, 2011
Blogger issues
16 weeks
My parents came here for a week to help with the nursery. This was the only time they could take a full week off to help and we definitely got a lot done. I can't wait to show pictures.
For now, here's my 16 week update (I know I skipped a week, but not much had changed.
Total weight gain/loss: around 5lbs
Sleep: I'm falling to sleep great, but getting up multiple times to tee tee :)
Best moment of the week: Feeling flutters
Movement: I'm definitely feeling a little something down there and I love every second of it.
Food cravings: Nothing too random right now.
Gender: Still no idea. I had another dream and it was a boy, so who knows.
What I miss: Red wine
What I'm looking forward to: hearing the heartbeat
Milestones: Feeling flutters was a huge milestone to me!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
14 week update
First off, today is my grandmother's birthday. She is celebrating in Heaven her 86th birthday. How lucky is she? Not a day passes that I don't think about her and I would give anything for her to meet this sweet baby inside me. At least, the baby will have the best guardian angel ever :)
14 week update and picture: I think the ahgle makes it look like there is no change. I can't really tell if I've grown any.
Size of baby: approximately 4 inches and the size of an apple. We only had apple slices...guess those wouldn't work.
Total weight gain/loss: I think I'm still at 3 pounds
Sleep: I'm falling to sleep great, but getting up multiple times to tee tee :)
Best moment of the week: Getting together with 3 other friends that are expecting in the same month as me. We just talked and talked about babies. So fun.
Movement: On the way to a birthday party for one of my friends I swear I felt something. I could be crazy but it was different.
Food cravings: Nothing too random right now.
Gender: Still no idea. I had my first gender dream and it was a girl.
What I miss: Eating anything I want.
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery
Milestones: 2nd trimester! Whoo hoo!
Monday, November 7, 2011
13 Week update
This picture was taken right afte lunch so the belly was out more than usual. When I wake up in the morning, I swear I don't see anything and then when I'm going to bed it seems huge. ha!
How far along: 13 weeks 3 days (in this picture)
Size of baby: approximately 3 inches and the size of a lemon
Total weight gain/loss: I think 3 pounds
Sleep: I'm falling to sleep great, but getting up multiple times to tee tee :)
Best moment of the week: Actually being able to talk about it when out in public. Seems like we were trying to hide it for so long, that now its such a relief.
Movement: Nothing yet.
Food cravings: Nothing too random right now.
Gender: I have no idea! I wish I did, but I don't. Since we aren't finding out guessing is all we can do.
What I miss: Lots of caffeine and red wine. Not a real big drinker but red wine smells SO good right now
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery
Milestones: Almost to the 2nd trimester!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Where have I been?
Over the last few months, Jim and I have prayed and prayed for a precious baby. Well, in August we found out that our prayers were answered!
Here's how it went:
I went to the doc for my regular appointment and as normal I went to the back, did a urine sample and went back to the room. I knew something was up when my doctor opened the door slowly and had the biggest smile on her face. I said "no way" and she said "YES WAY!". She was so excited for us and I couldn't even think straight. I started crying immediately saying "I don't know why I'm crying". haha! Hormones were already taking over my body I suppose.
I immediately called Jim and my mom and started crying and they both started crying.
For weeks, I honestly didn't believe it but was too scared to take pregnancy test. So silly, I know. So, for the next few weeks I was careful with everything I ate and drank but still wasn't convinced because I felt so great!
At 6 weeks even, I woke up and felt awful. It started to be more in the afternoon and just felt like a bad hangover. Well, that lasted for about 3 weeks. At our 8 week appointment (it was actually 9 weeks once we got in there) my parents were in town for the weekend already for a fishing trip the boys were supposed to go on. So, of course they came. Since my mother in law isnt' that far away, we asked if she wanted to come. I was so happy/nervous to have everyone there but thank goodness everything went perfect! Jim and I went back to the ultrasound alone and saw that precious little "bean" on the screen. We busted into tears. Best thing I've ever seen. The heartrate was 174 and everything looked great.
We invited the parents in to see and they all started crying. It was so special. A time I will NEVER forget. The doctor told us we were due May 3, 2012. What a perfect day that will be!
After our appointment, Jim went back to work, his mom left and me and my parents went and ate a good breakfast and talked about the baby the entire time. We then walked across the street and wandered through a baby store. Too much fun!
I will continue to update everyone with pictures and all!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What I've been obsessed with:
This takes no thought like blogging, so of course I find time to pin :)