Friday, April 16, 2010

I need your vote!

Ok, so I'm not really good at campaigning for myself but my boss is really excited and determined for me to win this "Belle of Savannah" award (and no one wants to disappoint the boss) so I need all of you to help me!!!

I was nominated as one of the Top 5 Finalist for Belle of Savannah. It is an award for a young professional who is involved and gives back to the community.

All the other finalist are campaigning like crazy on facebook and I just can't bring myself to do it....but I will campaign on here??? haha! Is it weird that I feel more comfortable talking to you guys about it than my facebook friends???

Anyway, go here to vote and see my picture :)

I'm Allison on there :) Just follow the directions and vote pretty pretty please! It would make my boss (and of course me ) oh so happy!

The company doing the award is a cute little candle company called Low Country Luxe. I'm sure some of you have seen their candles. They are amazing!

I have 166 wonderful would it be to have 166 votes?????

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!