Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thank you for Being a Friend...

That's right. Rose, Sophia, Dorothy, and Blanch were in full character Saturday night.

And I mean in FULL character. We had the song "Thank you for being a friend" playing all night.
I thought my husband was going to go crazy.
Speaking of my husband.... aka Static Cling. Obviously, this was a last minute costume idea. He had his hair straight up, dryer sheets pinned to his shirt, and panties....yes, panties were attached to him and they were NOT mine(they were my friends that were brand new). Ha!

Fun Fun night!
Now I'm off to vote!


  1. Oh My Gosh...that is such a great idea. LOVE IT!!

  2. What fun! I love that your husband was static cling. Very inventive for short notice. Any excuse to flaunt panties...right?

  3. how memorable.i remember my friends in high school.they show the true meaning of friendship. love them all!

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