Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On my Knees

Have you ever literally fallen on your knees, looked to the sky and said "This is for you Lord, I can't handle it anymore!" Well, that's what I've done numerous times in the past week. I am giving it all to the Lord for him to handle and lead me in the right direction. I try not to get so down and out when bad news comes about, but its so hard not to!

I truly believe things have been going like they have lately because God is looking me staight in the face saying "You're not in control sweetheart, I am. I'm here no matter what and when times get tough I'VE GOT YOU." Once I finally realized this a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and my heart. I've always known this, but I really needed to understand it.

But, lately I've just taken a step back and looked at my wonderful life. No its not perfect, but its perfect for me. I have a loving family, great friends, a good job and a strong faith. That's all I need, right?


I hate writing post on anything somewhat negative, but I guess I needed to give myself a little pep talk :)

Have a great day everyone!!

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